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Viewing 151-160 of 189 results (listed by best match)

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Senior Citizen Center, WWIS Community Action Agency

Provides older adults with socialization, recreation, nutrition education, exercise programs and congregate meals.

Services: Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites, Home Delivered Meals, Homemaker Assistance, Senior Center Bus Services, Telephone Reassurance

142 North Shelby Street

Greenville, MS 38701

(662) 378-5853

Sharkey/Issaquena County Programmatic Office, WWIS Community Action Agency

Provides various community services including housing programs and weatherization to assist clients with making their homes energy efficient.

Services: Case/Care Management, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Gas Service Payment Assistance, WIOA Programs

19719 Highway 1 South

Rolling Fork, MS 39159

(662) 873-2595

Smith County, Weems Community Mental Health Center

Provides accessible comprehensive, integrated healthcare system for individuals who suffer from a behavioral health disorder, have a developmental disability, or suffer from a chemical dependency.

Services: Adult Day Program Centers, Bereavement and Grief Counseling, Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment, Crisis Residential Treatment, Mental Health Screening, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities, Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities

355 Highway 37 South

Raleigh, MS 39153

(601) 782-9461

South Delta Planning and Development District

Provides an affiliate office of the Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration and provides services for the betterment of the living conditions for its member units of government and the general citizenry.

Services: Adult Protective Services, State Medicaid Waiver Programs, WIOA Programs

1427 South Main Street

Greenville, MS 38701

(662) 378-3831

Southeast, Arc of Mississippi

Provides comprehensive services to people with developmental disabilities and their families, including advocacy, information and referral, respite care, family support, early intervention, employment and training.

Services: Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs, Respite Care, Specialized Information and Referral

65 Bonhomie

Hattiesburg, MS 39402

(601) 583-4251

South Office, Southern Christian Services for Children And Youth

Provides various services that equip vulnerable children and youth, assisting them in the process of becoming self-sufficient and contributing members of society.

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Adoption Counseling and Support, Life Skills Education, Parenting Skills Classes, Residential Mental Health Treatment Facilities, Therapeutic Foster Homes, Transitional Housing/Shelter

11975 Seaway Road

Suite B300

Gulfport, MS 39503

(601) 896-1128

Southwest, Arc of Mississippi

Provides comprehensive services to people with developmental disabilities and their families, including advocacy, information and referral, respite care, family support, early intervention, employment and training.

Services: Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs, Respite Care, Specialized Information and Referral, Supported Employment

PO Box 590

Mccomb, MS 39649

(601) 320-6301

Southwest Mississippi Planning and Development District

Provides an affiliate office of the Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration and provides services for the betterment of the living conditions for its member units of government and the general citizenry.

Services: Adult Day Program Centers, Area Agencies on Aging, Home Delivered Meals, Homemaker Assistance, Senior Ride Programs, State Medicaid Waiver Programs, WIOA Programs

100 South Wall Street

Natchez, MS 39120

(601) 446-6044

Starkville, Salvation Army ALM

Provides assistance for utility services and a thrift store to residents in need.

Services: Holiday Gifts/Toys, Human Trafficking Prevention, Thrift Shops

407 A Industrial Park Road

Starkville, MS 39759

(662) 324-3304

Stone County, Pearl River Valley Opportunity

Provides various programs including weatherization, energy payment assistance, prescription drug payment assistance and tax preparation.

Services: Case/Care Management, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Electric Service Payment Assistance, Food Pantries, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Heating Fuel Payment Assistance, Homeless Diversion Programs, Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing, Prescription Expense Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Sewer Service Payment Assistance, Tax Preparation Assistance, Water Service Payment Assistance

307 West Central Avenue

Wiggins, MS 39577

(601) 928-5525

Viewing 151-160 of 189 results (listed by best match)
