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Viewing 1-10 of 25 results (listed by best match)

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Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Canopy Children's Solutions, Children's Advocacy Centers of Mississippi

Provides a multidisciplinary team approach to streamline the process of child abuse situations with forensic interviews, family and victim advocacy, case management and mental health services.

Services: Child Advocacy Centers

2315 17th Street

Gulfport, MS 39501

(228) 868-8686

Central Mississippi, Children's Advocacy Centers of Mississippi

Provides a multidisciplinary team approach to streamline the process of child abuse situations with forensic interviews, family and victim advocacy, case management and mental health services.

Services: Child Advocacy Centers

(601) 910-6187

Cherished Hearts CAC, Children's Advocacy Centers of Mississippi

Provides a multidisciplinary team approach to streamline the process of child abuse situations with forensic interviews, family and victim advocacy, case management and mental health services.

Services: Child Advocacy Centers

1105 West 6th Street

Laurel, MS 39440

(601) 804-1515

Children and Family Services, Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians

Provides services to family who are, through a standard eligibility process, determined to be in need.

Services: Adoption Evaluation/Placement, Case/Care Management, Child Advocacy Centers, Children's Protective Services, Foster Homes for Dependent Children, Legal Counseling

155 Industrial Road

Pearl River Reservation

Choctaw, MS 39350

(601) 650-1741

Christians in Action

Serves abused and neglected children who are in custody of the Mississippi Department of Human Services through a 45 day program or until placed in a permanent safe environment.

Services: Child Advocacy Centers, Crisis Nurseries/Child Care

2025 North Siwell Road

Jackson, MS 39212

(601) 346-7119

Clarksdale, North Mississippi Rural Legal Services

Provides legal counseling to 39 north Mississippi counties through several branch offices.

Services: Comprehensive Family Law Services, Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services, Elder Law, Legal Counseling

504 Desoto Avenue

Clarksdale, MS 38614

(662) 627-4184

Family Crisis Services of Northeast Mississippi, Children's Advocacy Centers of Mississippi

Provides a multidisciplinary team approach to streamline the process of child abuse situations with forensic interviews, family and victim advocacy, case management and mental health services.

Services: Child Advocacy Centers

PO Box 1698

Oxford, MS 38655

(622) 234-9929

Greenville, North Mississippi Rural Legal Services

Provides legal counseling to 39 north Mississippi counties through several branch offices.

Services: Comprehensive Family Law Services, Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services, Elder Law, Legal Counseling

1024 Washington Avenue

Suite 101

Greenville, MS 38701

(662) 335-8203

Guardian Shelter, Catholic Charities of Jackson

Provides emergency shelter and support to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence.

Services: Abuse Counseling, Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services, Domestic Violence Hotlines, Domestic Violence Shelters, Domestic Violence Support Groups

PO Box 1185

Natchez, MS 39121

(601) 442-0142

Healing Hearts, Children's Advocacy Centers of Mississippi

Provides a multidisciplinary team approach to streamline the process of child abuse situations with forensic interviews, family and victim advocacy, case management and mental health services.

Services: Child Advocacy Centers

5627 Getwell Road 83

Southaven, MS 38672

(662) 349-1555

Viewing 1-10 of 25 results (listed by best match)
