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Ticket to Work/Self Sufficiency Employment Networks
Taxonomy Code: ND-6500.8850
Agencies or instrumentalities of a state (or political subdivision), or private entities that have been accepted as an Employment Network (EN) under the Social Security Administration's voluntary Ticket to Work/Self Sufficiency program whose objective is to help people with disabilities obtain work without endangering their disability benefits including health care coverage. Employment Networks can be a single entity, a partnership or alliance of entities (public and/or private), or a consortium of organizations collaborating to combine resources to serve Ticket-holders. Included may be Workforce Investment Act (WIA) One-Stop Centers and Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs), disability and rehabilitation service providers, staffing companies, state and local government agencies, community-based employment support services providers, public and private sector schools and colleges, faith-based groups, multicultural organizations, public and private hospitals, foundations, disability management and insurance companies, Native American tribes, state vocational rehabilitation agencies, employers and small business development and micro enterprise entities.
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